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Virtual ADHD Parent
Crash Course
Lately, we’ve been getting a LOT of questions about ADHD. What is it? What isn’t it? In this virtual course, you will learn about the neuroscience around ADHD, pathways to diagnosis, gifts of ADHD, impact on children and families, and supports for home and school, as well as a bonus module on ADHD in the workplace! If your child was recently diagnosed with ADHD or you suspect they may have it, this course can help you understand the diagnosis and next steps to help your child thrive!
If you feel alone or overwhelmed in this journey, you are not alone! Join our course and community.
Course Includes:
In-depth information about the neuroscience of ADHD from a certified School Psychologist, Dr. Morgan Beidleman.
Self-paced video modules with a companion guide and reflection questions for each module.
Course Schedule
Module 1: ADHD Neurobiology
Module 2: ADHD Diagnosis
Module 3: ADHD Superpower
Module 4: ADHD at School
Module 5: ADHD & 504/IEP
Module 6: ADHD @ Home
Bonus Module: Adult ADHD
About Dr. Morgan Beidleman M.Ed, Ph.D
Dr. Morgan Beidleman has worked in education for 15 years and holds an M.Ed in Special Education and a Ph.D. in School Psychology.
Morgan is passionate about helping people see their strengths and reach their highest potential. As a kid, she didn’t become a reader until she stumbled upon Nancy Drew books in fourth grade. Today, she still loves a good mystery.
A former teacher, clinician, and administrator, Morgan has written and managed hundreds of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs), run social skills groups for children 4-11, counseled youth 12-18, and worked with families to support individuals.
Today, as the founder and director of REACH Learning Services, she works with children, families, teachers, and schools to teach academic and social-emotional competencies. Through her work, Morgan hopes to help children become their best selves.